How to Write the Perfect Blog Post

on Wednesday, April 8, 2009 with 0 comments

There have been many articles written about how to write articles in terms of features. You probably have encountered advice on using pictures, bullet points and controversy to make your blog more readable and interesting.

Though there is validity in this approach, many fail to take into account the important person in the equation: The reader.

At all times and no matter what kind of writing you are doing, you should always keep the reader in mind. Blog tips such as pictures and bullet points, are just minor aspects in creating quality blog posts. Ultimately, your blog will be judged on its content and your writing style.

Before you start to write an article, think about the following :

Who your article is aimed at?
Through identifying and discovering who your readers are, you will discover the correct tone of voice for your blog, and in turn your style as a writer will develop and you will create better and more relevant writing.

Would a reader find the article you are planning to write interesting?
If not, there is no value to writing the article.

Identify what your readers want. The show business adage of giving the people what they want is true in the world of web writing. If they want more articles on one aspect of your blog but less on others, I would advise you succumb to their wishes. As writers, we feel we have a good idea of what people would like to read from our blogs. If you have been employed to write copy for someone else, then you will know that this is untrue. Take a look at what you are writing, put yourself in your readers’ shoes and see if the two match. If you have not done this before, I'll be surprised if they do. Write what readers want to read.

Would you like to read what you have just written?
If the answer is no, then alter it until you do. Try to get out of the habit of publishing something just because you have written it. It can harm your reputation as a writer if you publish poor quality work.

Don't be afraid.
If you are writing a potentially explosive piece do not be afraid to follow it through. This is what writing is all about and has been challenging views and perceptions since before Shakespeare. Be bold, be comprehensive, and explain your views well. There is a risk you could be wrong, but it is better to state how you feel rather then not to publish. You may well be right, and not publishing through fear just to learn you were right in the first place is worse than vise versa.

I will add this to post as and when the need takes me. For the time being, always think about the reader, and you will find everything else will fall into place.

Best of luck!

Category: Blog Tips



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