7 Reasons Prospects Don't Respond to your Ad

on Monday, December 12, 2011 with 0 comments

In summary, if prospects don't respond to your ads, it's probably for one of these reasons:

Reason #1: Prospects don't see your ad because nothing attracts your prospect's eyes to your ad.

Reason #2: Prospects don't read your ad because the headline doesn't seize their attention.

Reason #3: Prospects don't respond to your ad because your wording is weak and uninteresting.

Reason #4: Prospects don’t believe what you say in your ad.

Reason #5: Prospects don't respond to your ad because your offer is not clear.

Reason #6: Prospects don't respond because they don't know what action you want them to take.

Reason #7: Prospects intend to respond to your ad but they aren’t motivated to act now. They set your ad aside, something else comes up — and you’re history.

Category: Affiliate



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