More Content More Relevant Google Adsense Ads

on Sunday, September 26, 2010 with 0 comments

The AdSense Code: What Google Never Told You about Making Money with AdsenseNow, coming after the post where I said that too much content bad for Google Adsense earnings?,this post might be a little contradictory to my readers. However if you continue reading you will realise what I mean by saying that the more content you have i the post. the more relevant will be the Google Adsense advertisements displayed on your pages.

So , before I move on let us understand how Google Adsense works. Firstly, there is the sign up process wherein you choose a username, provide your blog details and then finish verification of your mail account. Next on the agenda is creating of your Google Adsense unit and then finally pasting the HTML code provided  in your Google Adsense account to your website/blog. 

The Google Adsense bot then will crawl your pages using a specific algorithm and hunt down keywords. Finally Ads are displayed on your website or blog depending on the keywords found in your pages. Hence when I say that the more content you have, the more relevant are the Google Adsense ads, I mean to say that the more relevant keywords on your blog the better will be the relevant advertisements. 

Finally if your page does contains a lot of photographs, videos and graphics without proper amount of text, Google Adsense might be having a lot of difficulty in understanding the contents of your site. Most of the newer third party templates on blogger are based on graphics and scripts which are not indexed by google since the Google Adsense bot only looks at the text on your site for Adsense Optimization. 

SEO Made Simple: Strategies For Dominating The World's Largest Search Engine (Volume 1)Hence choose a template which is fast loading, with minimal number of scripts and graphics and whenever possible use textual content to display your Website name, page titles and headings rather than using Images or scripts. Also try to repeat words relevant to your blog or website in the title of your pages as well as the content of your posts. If you do have a photography site or you use a lot of images in your posts, then do not forget to add a title tag as well as an alt tag to the images and graphics, which might help Google Adsense to understand what the image is all about. Also giving a good relevant caption to your images might not be a bad idea. Avoid hiding your text through sneaky tactics, such as using tiny fonts or making your text the same color as the background. This may be construed by search engines as spam.

Category: Adsense , Featured , SEO



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